to novavita laboratory from the city square mall

      From the food court in City Square:

  • Facing the food court, walk straight from the A&W side of the food court towards the elevators behind the Chinese food stall (near the washrooms). Please watch for the East Tower sign in the food court.

  • Take the East Tower elevator to the 4th Floor

  • Turn right after exiting the elevator

  • walk down the corridor and watch for the sign "<--- lab"

to Novavita Laboratory From olive clinic

  • We are located one floor (4th Floor) above Olive Fertility Clinic in the East Tower of City Square Mall

  • Take the elevator to the 4th Floor

  • Turn right after exiting from the elevator

  • walk down the corridor and watch for the sign "<--- Lab"

We cannot validate parking tickets here.

The East Tower Elevator is only accessible from Level P3 of City Square Mall Parking Lot.